1 Research Methods in Architecture - ARC602

This post graduate course is intended to introduce the student to the basics of conducting scientific research in general and with focus on applications in architecture and urbanism. Taught at Cairo University.

مناهج البحث في العمارة والعمران تعرف طالب الدراسات العليا بأصول البحث العلمي بشكل عام وبتطبيقة في مجالات العمارة والعمران بتخصصاتها المختلفة.

Lectures   Assignments   Science
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1 Independent Studies - ARC714

A post graduate course intended to develop the student's skill in various aspects of research. A topic is proposed during the semester wherein the course is offered, and the student works to develop his/her assignments within this topic. The course is 4 credit hours and can be taught by multiple instructors; each instructor, who responsible of a group of students, offers a topic which could be different from the one offered by another instructor.

Outline   Assignments   Schedule
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1 Human Studies in Architecture - ARC207

This is a course that I have been teaching in Cairo University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Architecture. Students in the second term of the second year take the course. The course focuses upon basic principles of designing for human needs and introduces scientific research and applications of research methods in architecture and urban design. This website presents my portion of the course, which is co-taught. Free access to the course is allowed.

Outline   Assignments   Schedule
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1 Graduation Project - ARC480

The capstone course of the department of architecture in which the student prepares the final design project to demonstrate his/her ability to graduate and ability to integrate his knowledge into a final design exersice.

1 Human Aspects in Architectural Design - AENG234

Introduction to environment-behavior issues related to architecture. Architectural programming and post-occupancy evaluation. Human aspects in design: Social interaction, perception, behavioral uses of spaces, users needs, ergonomics, proximics.  Design for the disabled . Effects of cultural processes on architecture and urban design.. Use of environment-behavior research methods in architecture and urban design. Taught at AUC.








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